Unity3D :在自定义编辑器窗口中创建拖放式 UI

Unity3D :在自定义编辑器窗口中创建拖放式 UI

在自定义编辑器窗口中创建拖放式 UI

版本: 2021.3+

拖放是 中的常见功能用户界面
设计。您可以使用 UI 工具包在自定义编辑器窗口或由 Unity 构建的应用程序中创建拖放式 UI。此示例演示如何在自定义编辑器窗口中创建拖放 UI。



拖放式 UI 的预览
拖放式 UI 的预览

您可以在此 GitHub 存储库中找到此示例创建的已完成文件。


本指南适用于熟悉 Unity 编辑器、UI 工具包和 C# 脚本的开发人员。在开始之前,请熟悉以下内容:

  • 用户界面生成器
  • 可视化树
  • 用户体验
  • USS
  • 指针事件


首先,创建一个自定义编辑器窗口来保存拖放式 UI。

  1. 使用任何模板在 Unity 中创建项目。
  2. 创建一个 调用的文件夹来存储您的所有文件。AssetsDragAndDrop
  3. 在该文件夹中,右键单击并选择“>编辑器窗口创建 UI 工具包>”。DragAndDrop
  4. UI 工具包编辑器窗口创建器中,输入 。DragAndDropWindow
  5. 单击确认。这将自动为自定义窗口创建 C# 脚本、UXML 和 USS 文件。
  6. 打开菜单名称和窗口标题并将其更改为 ,并删除默认标签的代码,以使 UI 更加用户友好。DragAndDropWindow.csDrag And Drop


using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
using UnityEditor.UIElements;

public class DragAndDropWindow : EditorWindow
    [MenuItem("Window/UI Toolkit/Drag And Drop")]
    public static void ShowExample()
        DragAndDropWindow wnd = GetWindow<DragAndDropWindow>();
        wnd.titleContent = new GUIContent("Drag And Drop");

    public void CreateGUI()
        // Each editor window contains a root VisualElement object
        VisualElement root = rootVisualElement;

          // Import UXML
        var visualTree = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<VisualTreeAsset>("Assets/Drag and Drop/DragAndDropWindow.uxml");
        VisualElement labelFromUXML = visualTree.Instantiate();

        // A stylesheet can be added to a VisualElement.
        // The style will be applied to the VisualElement and all of its children.
        var styleSheet = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<StyleSheet>("Assets/Drag and Drop/DragAndDropWindow.uss");


接下来,将 UI 控件添加到自定义窗口。

  1. 在该文件夹中,双击以打开 UI 生成器。DragAndDropDragAndDropWindow.uxml
  2. 样式表中,单击“添加现有 USS”,然后选择 。DragAndDropWindow.uss

添加以下 UI 控件:VisualElement

  • 一个命名,有两个孩子的名字和。每行应有两个名为 和 的子项。slotsslot_row1slot_row2slot1slot2
  • 一个与 同级别命名。 必须在层次结构中排在后面objectslotsobjectslots

UI 控件的样式如下所示:

  • 对于 和 ,将它们样式设置为 80px X 80px 正方形,具有白色背景颜色和圆角。将插槽排列为两行,每行两个插槽。slot1slot2
  • 对于 ,将其样式设置为具有黑色背景颜色的 50px X 50px 圆形点。object

【提示】为了使项目更有趣,您可以为对象使用背景图像。您可以在 GitHub 存储库中找到图像 (Pouch.png)。

有关如何添加 UI 控件和设置其样式的说明,请参阅 UI 生成器。


<ui:UXML xmlns:ui="UnityEngine.UIElements" xmlns:uie="UnityEditor.UIElements" xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" engine="UnityEngine.UIElements" editor="UnityEditor.UIElements" noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../../UIElementsSchema/UIElements.xsd" editor-extension-mode="False">
    <Style src="project://database/Assets/DragAndDrop/DragAndDropWindow.uss?fileID=7433441132597879392&amp;guid=3d86870c8637c4a3c979a8b4fe0cba4c&amp;type=3#DragAndDrop" />
    <ui:VisualElement name="slots">
        <ui:VisualElement name="slot_row1" class="slot_row">
            <ui:VisualElement name="slot1" class="slot" />
            <ui:VisualElement name="slot2" class="slot" />
        <ui:VisualElement name="slot_row2" class="slot_row">
            <ui:VisualElement name="slot1" class="slot" />
            <ui:VisualElement name="slot2" class="slot" />
    <ui:VisualElement name="object" class="object" />


.slot {
width: 80px;
height: 80px;
margin: 5px;
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
border-top-radius: 10px;

.slot_row {
    flex-direction: row;

.object {
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    position: absolute;
    left: 10px;
    top: 10px;
    border-radius: 30px;
    background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);



  1. 在该文件夹中,创建另一个名为 的 C# 文件。DragAndDropDragAndDropManipulator.cs
  2. 打开。DragAndDropManipulator.cs
  3. 添加声明。using UnityEngine.UIElements;
  4. 使类扩展而不是 。DragAndDropManipulatorPointerManipulatorMonoBehaviour
  5. 编写构造函数来设置目标并存储对可视化树根的引用。
  6. 编写四个方法,作为 PointerDownEvents、PointerMoveEvent s、PointerUpEvents和 PointerCaptureOutEvents 的回调。
  7. 实现 RegisterCallbacksOnTarget() 和 UnregisterCallbacksOnTarget() 来注册和取消注册这四个来自 的回调。target


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

public class DragAndDropManipulator : PointerManipulator
// Write a constructor to set target and store a reference to the
// root of the visual tree.
public DragAndDropManipulator(VisualElement target)
this.target = target;
root = target.parent;

protected override void RegisterCallbacksOnTarget()
    // Register the four callbacks on target.

protected override void UnregisterCallbacksFromTarget()
    // Un-register the four callbacks from target.

private Vector2 targetStartPosition { get; set; }

private Vector3 pointerStartPosition { get; set; }

private bool enabled { get; set; }

private VisualElement root { get; }

// This method stores the starting position of target and the pointer, 
// makes target capture the pointer, and denotes that a drag is now in progress.
private void PointerDownHandler(PointerDownEvent evt)
    targetStartPosition = target.transform.position;
    pointerStartPosition = evt.position;
    enabled = true;

// This method checks whether a drag is in progress and whether target has captured the pointer. 
// If both are true, calculates a new position for target within the bounds of the window.
private void PointerMoveHandler(PointerMoveEvent evt)
    if (enabled && target.HasPointerCapture(evt.pointerId))
        Vector3 pointerDelta = evt.position - pointerStartPosition;

        target.transform.position = new Vector2(
            Mathf.Clamp(targetStartPosition.x + pointerDelta.x, 0, target.panel.visualTree.worldBound.width),
            Mathf.Clamp(targetStartPosition.y + pointerDelta.y, 0, target.panel.visualTree.worldBound.height));

// This method checks whether a drag is in progress and whether target has captured the pointer. 
// If both are true, makes target release the pointer.
private void PointerUpHandler(PointerUpEvent evt)
    if (enabled && target.HasPointerCapture(evt.pointerId))

// This method checks whether a drag is in progress. If true, queries the root 
// of the visual tree to find all slots, decides which slot is the closest one 
// that overlaps target, and sets the position of target so that it rests on top 
// of that slot. Sets the position of target back to its original position 
// if there is no overlapping slot.
private void PointerCaptureOutHandler(PointerCaptureOutEvent evt)
    if (enabled)
        VisualElement slotsContainer = root.Q<VisualElement>("slots");
        UQueryBuilder<VisualElement> allSlots =
            slotsContainer.Query<VisualElement>(className: "slot");
        UQueryBuilder<VisualElement> overlappingSlots =
        VisualElement closestOverlappingSlot =
        Vector3 closestPos = Vector3.zero;
        if (closestOverlappingSlot != null)
            closestPos = RootSpaceOfSlot(closestOverlappingSlot);
            closestPos = new Vector2(closestPos.x - 5, closestPos.y - 5);
        target.transform.position =
            closestOverlappingSlot != null ?
            closestPos :

        enabled = false;

private bool OverlapsTarget(VisualElement slot)
    return target.worldBound.Overlaps(slot.worldBound);

private VisualElement FindClosestSlot(UQueryBuilder<VisualElement> slots)
    List<VisualElement> slotsList = slots.ToList();
    float bestDistanceSq = float.MaxValue;
    VisualElement closest = null;
    foreach (VisualElement slot in slotsList)
        Vector3 displacement =
            RootSpaceOfSlot(slot) - target.transform.position;
        float distanceSq = displacement.sqrMagnitude;
        if (distanceSq < bestDistanceSq)
            bestDistanceSq = distanceSq;
            closest = slot;
    return closest;

private Vector3 RootSpaceOfSlot(VisualElement slot)
    Vector2 slotWorldSpace = slot.parent.LocalToWorld(slot.layout.position);
    return root.WorldToLocal(slotWorldSpace);




  1. 在 中,将以下内容添加到方法中以实例化类:DragAndDropWindow.csCreateGUI()DragAndDropManipulator

DragAndDropManipulator manipulator =new(rootVisualElement.Q<VisualElement>("object"));

2. 从菜单栏中,选择“窗口> UI 工具包”>“拖放”。在打开的自定义编辑器窗口中,您可以将对象拖到任何插槽中。


上一篇:Unity3D :IMGUI 事件 (mvrlink.com)

下一篇:Unity3D :创建拖放式 UI 以在编辑器窗口之间拖动 (mvrlink.com)

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